Hiking the Napali Coast
Something we can't wait to do is travel back to the Hawaiian islands. With the white sand beaches and warm water calling, we have been longing for a new tropical adventure. Even better, the Island state has reopened for business! Since October 15th, we're now able to travel to the islands with an approved negative Covid-19 test. If you’re looking for great waves, crazy cliff jumping and fun scuba diving, Hawaii is your spot. But there is one adventure that tops it all. It’s called the Napali Coast trail in Kauai.
The Napali coast consist of jaw dropping trails, beautiful waterfalls and surreal beaches. The must-do trail is called Kalalau which is an eleven mile trail that goes from Ke’e Beach to Kalalau Beach. In this article we will supply when to go, what you will see, and what exactly to bring. Let’s put on those hiking boots and #EnjoyTheExploration.
When you arrive at the parking lot you are greeted by roosters and hens that aren’t afraid to come up to you which makes for an awesome welcome. In the beginning of your journey, and the first two miles of the Kalalau Trail is Hanakapi’ai Beach. Here is pretty busy as it is crowded with amateur hikers who enjoy going back and forth between the start of the trail. Beyond this point, this is where it all begins. The trail runs parallel to the ocean and goes in and out of dense forest, amazing streams, and gorgeous waterfalls that flow into the ocean. Through this are trails like any other you have seen. The trail seems to always be changing with new wildlife and eye opening forest, cool streams and glistening waterfalls unlike anything you have seen before. After 11 miles of this beautiful hike, you will arrive at Kalalau Beach with even more breathtaking views. But, the entrance of the beach is one of the best parts of the entire hike. The trail ends with tightly lined guava, banana and palm trees as well as small tomato plants.
When to go?
The best time of the year to go is either May, September or October. These months are the least busy from summer crowds as well as still having great weather. As the rainy season is November to April you will want to try to avoid this because of the chance of hiking through muddy trails.
What to take?
-At least two large water bottles with fresh water
-Electrolyte tablets
-Lightweight water filter
-Dry packed camping food
-Lightweight tent with mosquito net
-Camping pad
-Sleeping sack
-Small camping towel
-Hiking shorts with towel
-Swim suits
When traveling to this amazing spot, enjoy the hike, soak up the surreal landscape and scenery, and as always #EnjoyTheExploration.