The cabin fever we have experienced since the beginning of quarantine has had a bigger impact on the world politically than many of us had originally expected. With all the ups and downs that have come to us in the year 2020, we're excited to share some positive news regarding the great outdoors and our country's commitment to preserving the beautiful places we hold dear.
On June 17th, the United States Senate passed a bill agreeing to supply $900 million to the federal Land and Water Conservation Fund as well as reserve $9.5 billion for national park maintenance over the next five years.
This bill was remarkably bi-partisan because of what Senator Joe Manchin III of West Virginia recalls: “is the beauty of our nation’s great outdoors”. Manchin also comments that “It brings us all together — all walks and shapes and political preferences. It makes no difference. We all love the outdoors.”
Fortunately for its supporters, the bill is expected to be passed by the house rather quickly due to its growing popularity. Some suggest that this bill’s surfacing emphasizes the nation’s increasing attention to the integrity of constitutional rights. The connection being that many senators share the belief that the lack of funding for national parks has caused the parks to fall short of its constitutional purpose and priceless heritage.
National Parks are a cornerstone of PARKIT’s vision for adventurers alike. They not only allow us to discover the everlasting beauty and sanctity of our country but, provide the environments and opportunities to create stories that each of us can look back on and remember so fondly... fishing with friends, climbing the highest peaks, sleeping under the stars with nothing but the sounds of the wild.
They are very much like time capsules in the sense that these national parks preserve the land the way nature intended and, without adequate maintenance and support from our legislators, could it's brilliance and rawness.
Embrace this bill’s appreciation toward our national parks and please remember to treat our parks with respect. Treat park rules, park rangers, the wildlife, and fellow adventurers with kindness and maintain an astute reverence to the land which equally belongs to all who seek its wonders.